# ========================================================================= # GRAMPA: MUL-tree reconciliation # 04.02.2017 | 06:30:17 # LOG 06.30.17: Number of threads: 1 # LOG 06.30.19: The input species tree with internal nodes labeled: ((((((x*,y*)<1>,z*)<2>,B)<3>,A)<4>,(C,((x,y)<5>,z)<6>)<7>)<8>,D)<9> # LOG 06.30.19: Input species tree is: MUL-tree # LOG 06.30.19: Using gene trees in file: .\gene_trees_3a.txt # LOG 06.30.19: Total gene trees: 1000 # LOG 06.30.19: Main results and logs will be written to file: ex3_output\count_test_out.txt # LOG 06.30.19: The number of groups for each tree will be calculated: ex3_output\count_test_checknums.txt # LOG 06.30.19: Filtered trees will be saved (if necessary): ex3_output\count_test_trees_filtered.txt # LOG 06.30.19: Filtering gene trees with # of polyploid groups over: 8 # LOG 06.30.19: Detailed results will be written to file: ex3_output\count_test_det.txt # LOG 06.30.19: Detailed output will contain: Reconciliation scores only # LOG 06.30.19: Reconciling to: Singly-labeled and MUL-trees # LOG 06.30.20: No trees filtered! Using your original set. # --------- # Tree # H1 node H2 node Tree string Total score MT-1 ((((((x*,y*)<1>,z*)<2>,B)<3>,A)<4>,(C,((x+,y+)<5>,z+)<6>)<7>)<8>,D)<9> 5242 # --------- # LOG: Total execution time: 8.782 seconds. # =========================================================================